The list is not in any particular order, and the apps listed with the word [root] requires root privilege to work.
(Star means newly added, after writing the original article.)
Table of Contents
ASTRO File Manager [The best file manager]
Camera360 Ultimate
Endomondo Sports Tracker [To track the distance or route you travel]
Dropbox [The best cross platform file sharing app]
Google Goggles [Best app to read those QR codes and search with images]
Hindu Calendar [Useful sometimes, when mom needs to know dates of some festival

iMobile [App from ICICI customers, very useful to me, I do prepaid recharge from this]
Indian Railway App – Disha [PNR check, availability checker, train schedule and more]
Opera Mobile web browser
SMS Backup + [Best app to take Backup of your SMS’s on your Google Account]
WhatsApp Messenger [Universal Bluetooth, as I like to call it Send sms, share pics etc…]
Remember The Milk [Cloud Mobile Task Management]
Pulse News* [Best news aggregator app]
Quick Boot* [Lets you reboot or shutdown, without using actual power button. For those, who fears they would break hardware button. Like me.]
Photo Resizer* [Does what it says]Astrid [Homage to this little To Do and Reminder app that was at pinnacle of its service, until it decided to shut down on 5th of August 2013. I will miss you.]
MX Player* [Together with Mobo player, this gives you all the power you need to play whatever format of video you trying to play]
TTPod Music Player* [Most awesome music player. Fetches lyrics automatically and sync with your song, as one of its unique feature. Screenshots]
Social networking
Facebook for Android
Google+ [Also helps to sync photos with your google account]
Yahoo! Mail
Tapatalk (paid app, to browse TDF)
Anomo [Social Networking for Introverts, where you choose what to reveal about yourself and when]
Games and Fun
SpeedX 3D [One of the most awesome game!]
aTilt 3D Labyrinth Free [Nice demonstration of the accelerometer in your phone]
Chess Free
Friction Mobile
Light Racer 3D Basic [Best 3D TRON game]
Shoot Bubble Deluxe [Quite Addictive]
SpeedCar [Nice time pass for a while]
Asphalt 8: Airborne [Best racing game I ever played. I play this even when I have best racing games installed on PC :P]
ComiXology [COMICS! Best for tablets]
QuizUp [Quiz On! This app provides an easy multiplayer rounds of quiz from ever increasing topics. Quite get very addictive if you love the challenge. You have been warned.]
Auto Rotate Widget [Nifty app to toggle auto-rotate setting]
Battery Solo Widget [Nifty app to demonstrate battery remaining in number on home screen]
Brightness Control
ConnectBot [Terminal for your Linux (Andriod)]
Fast Reboot [Just tap and it terminates every app]
ROM Manager [root]
Titanium Backup [root]
Apps 2 SD [Move app 2 SD]
CacheCleaner NG [root] [Cleans up the cache, providing some free memory]
Screen Filter* [Lets you set brightness lower than default, when you need it, like at night]
Set DNS* [root] [To change default DNS in your Android]
AppLock [To lock specific apps with a passcode]
GravityScreen [So this app knows when to turn the phone on and lock it back on its own. Magic? Not quite. But using sensors. You can also pause it for a while when you don’t want to automatically lock your device]
BootManager* [root] [Lets you disable start up items. You will need this if you are like me and install tons of app]
Pushbullet [root] [Its an app thats a MUST. Share stuff from your PC to your phone/tablet. Get phone notifications on your PC. As the app describes, “No more eMailing to yourself”!]
Special Mention
Benchmark and Test apps
Quadrant Standard Edition
SD Tools [To bench mark your SD Card]
Multitouch Visible Test [To demonstrate Axis Inversion bug, if your phone have it]
Root Checker Basic
3D Mark [To bench mark your SD Card]
Metal Detector [Sometimes works, sometimes don’t. You tell me.]
Guitar : Solo Lite [lol]
Perfect Piano [double lol]
Talking Cat 2 [Must have to awe people]
Amazon Appstore [Amazon provides an App for free each day]
This is of course not an exhaustive list in any way. I will add more apps in the list as and when I would discover it!
Last updated: 25th March 2014.
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