Tag Archives: Hollywood

Planet 51 – Dont know where other 50 Are

I decided to watch Planet 51, cause it had a word “planet” in it and it was an Animation, enough to fetish my childhood desires. Despite the green look of the characters (Aliens, to us), which resembled “The Shrek‘s” Ogre, I fairly enjoyed the movie. But the most lovable character was Skiff, whose cute innocent talks never seized to spread a smile on my face.

Planet 51, too had its emotional moments, and I totally enjoyed every bit of it. The question of “Are we alone in the Universe” was raised again; and again, we were, left to ponder upon. Overall its a good, cute, children movie, that an adult (or so called), too would not regret watching.

Primer – Complex to Understand than even Time itself.

Before I begin, I must say, that I love Time Travel movies. The journey of a man to the 4th dimension, and the probability of meeting with one’s own self is itself the most incredible idea that is enough to distill a world of possibilities (other than the probability that the Universe would collapse!).

But, I can claim one thing, that I have understood more of the story of Primer, after reading it on wikipedia, rather than watching the actual movie. I think, it would require a couple of watches more before I can fully understand the technicality of the story.

I would recommend this movie, for anyone with a high appetite for technical dialogue overdose or someone who wants to have a good night sleep!
But seriously its a must watch for a die hard lover of time travel concept, as it bring with it the most original and innovative method to travel back in time that I have witnessed the night of 1st Jan 2010… (albeit not so exciting, as to travel flying in DeLorean!).

Back to the Future

The mind of a true Sci-Fi lover would immediately recognize the title of this article.
Back to the Future” is a Robert Zemeckis epic movie which captured the imagination of 80’s. With a mind blowing story of a boy getting in trouble even before he was born and the special effects so great for the time, this movie was produced, it truly and literally justifies the title.
And yes, the eve of the new year, on Thursday, 31st December 2009, I was celebrating with my friend Ankur, watching the 2nd part of this incredible trilogy.
Memories came flooding back and each hair on my body was feeling the excitement as I was following the story. No matter how many times do I see it, it always feels the same, as it had when I first watched it years ago on AXN.
My only wish would be to watch this movie on the big screen. But for that I may need the  DeLorean, for the first part was released one year before I was born.
Time to go back in time…
Image Source: © Universal Studios. All rights Reserved.