
The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.

— Carl Sagan

 Hi there. I am Vineet, and I am an Astronaut, drifting across in the space watching the view from within ISS over one of many oceans, and trying to find the boundaries which every nation so proudly draws over a map.

Well, I can only wish. I am actually a Software Engineer, working on some random projects, trying to find solutions to the  equations of life using technology. Recently I bought myself a bike and riding have taken over my life. Read about it here.

I love Science Fiction stories, believe that Earth is not the only planet which has life and know for a fact that ‘Back to the Future‘ is the greatest trilogy of all times!

I like to help people and share my knowledge in best ways possible. World is filled with some amazing stuff. It doesn’t matter how much I discover, it never seizes to surprise. This place on the web is just a medium to express some of my discoveries and an attempt to consolidate and share my views and knowledge with the world. I hope you will find it useful.

A few handpicked articles:

My Latest Articles:

Fixing Manjaro Boot Menu

I was fed up of Windows update erasing my grub entries. So I have documented the steps to fix it, the steps which works for me. I hope it helps me when I lost my grub bootloader again. To fix the bootloader, follow the below steps: Boot from a Manjaro ...
black blue and red graph illustration

My favorite Finance YouTubers

Indian economy have a bright future. It have come a long way since the Harshad Mehta times where loopholes could be use to become millionaires. The market have matured a lot since then and there are plenty of opportunity for becoming winners, if you have the discipline to follow the ...

How to setup WordPress on Digital Ocean (2020)

With incidents such as Australian bush fire, Covid-19 Pandemic and civil unrest in many countries over one reason or the other, 2020 is basically proving to be one long nightmare. To make it worse for me, my server got hacked, majorly due to lack of proper security or a bad ...

Android apps for TV

Android on TV has a long way to go. There is no clear guide on which apps to use or how to use it when it comes to having the most of Android on a TV. This article is for those who want to claim their Android TV as their ...

Convert VBA Editor to Dark Theme

So there I was, trying to find best color combination for making my VBA editor in dark theme. While I did find an open source utility on GitHub to hack the VBE.dll and then replace it in the system, I simply wanted to know a color combination that I can ...

13 thoughts on “Home

    1. Install CCleaner and disable startup items. Also you can try installing TuneUp Utilities and following various process within it to optimize PC.

  1. Hi there 😀 , I found your website’s link on thinkdigit.com forums 😀 Nice to know you bro , actually I am very very very sad of my internet bill which I get for using 3G on my mobile (actually its prepaid :D) can you please please suggest me a good Unlimited Broadband which will be available in Central Delhi (Karol Bagh) my budget is like 1K and around that 😛 I know I seem so selfish to visit here just to ask this selfish question but don’t worry I bookmarked your site and hopefully will follow your updates 😀 Thanks a lot and waiting for your answer , also I hope I will get notified on my email address which I put below to know if you replied 😛 otherwise its (*email sniped*) 😀 I am also a Delhite and I hope someday we meet and do bowling together or share some burgers 😀 (like friends 😛 no wrong impressions :P) Ok am gonna call my gf now 😛 Seeya

    1. Thanks for visiting my site. People like you encourage me to update this website.
      As far as broadband connection goes in central delhi there are many options except MTNL which you can consider. Spectranet, Pacenet, ANI Network, Hathway all provide a good service. I am currently using ANI Network and they provide a good 1 mbps connection in about 1k with prompt service. Not all ISP would be available at your location so you would have to research a bit.
      Spectranet provides fibre-optic line so they provide the best plan. But their service areas are a bit limited as of now. But you might get lucky. Also you may not get a perfect ISP in first try. It took me a little experience in atleast 3 ISP’s to reach to ANI Network that is serving me for like 6 months now. So enquire about them and reply when you get a prompt service that meets your needs.

      1. I remember your experience with Pacenet.
        I started having issues with them from past few weeks.
        Finally I am glad , I made up my mind to switch over to a different ISP.
        Pacenet isn’t a reliable ISP at all.
        I have no experience with mtnl. Would that be a nice ISP in your area ? I live around your neighborhood , just so you know it. 😛
        BTW ,thumbsup for the blog. I am sure you like travelling a lot. I am also hunting for good places to explore in Delhi.

        1. Well, MTNL is a good ISP. But I couldn’t bear with the customer service. They don’t have any credibility towards their customers. So I started to look for better alternatives where CC is concerned. You can go with MTNL if their office is near to you, so that in case of any downtime you can take follow up easily. 😉

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